Teaching Subject Pronouns and Ser with Interactive Notebooks - Island Teacher

Teaching Subject Pronouns and Ser with Interactive Notebooks

So this past week we dove more into our interactive notebooks by starting a review unit on Subject Pronouns and Ser. My 9th grade Spanish class has down some basics since they had Spanish once a week in Middle School, so they have a jump start on Spanish 1 already. I started the lesson with Sra Cruz's subject pronoun PowerPoint which I've used for years to introduce the topic. The students took notes on one page of their notebook as we went through the PowerPoint. You can see that they are already working on using color and highlighting in their notes in the photos below. 

I am really pleased with how well the students are "owning" their notebooks so far. Most are taking pride in their notebooks and really trying to do a good job. We then added some foldables on subject pronouns to our notebooks. These were the first foldables in our books, so their were a few mishaps with gluing the wrong place or not cutting in the right place, but this was easily corrected. We followed this with reviewing the conjugations of ser and they added a ser conjugation foldable to their notebooks too. Students are finishing up everything for homework this weekend. I'm looking forward to seeing their completed sections this next week!

I've added the templates I made to my TpT store if you'd like to check them out. :)

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